Cosmos Down Under Podcast

Cosmos Down Under is a podcast (audio show) for data professionals. In each show, Data Platform MVP and member of the Microsoft Regional Director program Greg Low interviews a well-known identity from the Cosmos DB or data communities. Each show provides a wealth of information on using Cosmos DB and other data-related products. Listening to the show is one of the easiest ways to learn more about the product and the best part is that it's free. So start learning now. Need configuration help? Check out our Getting Started Page.





Show 13 features Cosmos DB Product Group member Rakhi Thejraj discussing provisioning throughput and auto-scaling features

Show 12 features AI and ML engineer Farah Abdou discussing how she uses the Cosmos DB emulator

Show 11 features Cosmos DB product manager Khelan Modi discussing the vector database and search features of Azure Cosmos DB

Show 10 features Azure Cosmos DB product manager Tara Bhatia discussing the elasticity features of Azure Cosmos DB

Show 9 features Microsoft MVP Hugo Barona discussing experiences from migrating his clients to Azure Cosmos DB

Show 8 features Azure MVP Blaize Stewart discussing antipatterns for Azure Cosmos DB development

Show 7 features Microsoft senior program manager Rodrigo Souza discussing Change Data Capture from the Analytic Store in Azure Cosmos DB

Show 6 features Microsoft product manager Vincent-Philippe Lauzon discussing the Azure Cosmos DB integration with Azure Data Explorer

Show 5 features Microsoft product group member Charles Feddersen discussing Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Show 4 features Microsoft product group member Will Velida discussing containers and partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB

Show 3 features Microsoft MVP Leonard (Lenni) Lobel discussing the multi-model nature of Azure Cosmos DB

Show 2 features Microsoft MVP Sarah Dutkiewicz (aka Sudukie) discussing data modeling in Azure Cosmos DB


Show 1 features Microsoft Principal Program Manager Mark Brown introducing Azure Cosmos DB, why it matters, how it works, and who it is designed for.